A set of quick links: "The Hammer" and Dennis Montgomery

There will not be much prose here. I've left this page for referral in publically-postable services with totalitarian bents, like Twitter & You Tube.

So what is "The Hammer", anyway? Try here. There is a set of seven long audios on Soundcloud, they're all of conversations with a gentleman by the name of Stephen Lemons. Please take the time to listen to these audios. They will describe what was in Fort Washington, MD. Oh my Lord. You will not grasp the depth of the criminality until you listen to them.

Who designed The Hammer? Who is this Dennis Montgomery? Try here for a brief overview by Larry Klayman. 

Please follow links! Please do your own research, form your own opinions, develop your own questions and arguments.

On my list of "heroes from propaganda zeros", Dennis Montgomery is right up there with Adm Mike Rogers, Rep Devin Nunes, Tom Fitton, Sidney Powell and Rep Doug Collins, among other lesser heroes. I confess there was a time when I believed Snowden to be a criminal thief; I have reversed my opinion on that, Edward Snowden is also on that list, as is Julian Assange.

Do not ever forget, either for the "heroes" list or for reference, that Sharyl Attkisson belongs there too. Her story is particularly enlightening, and one of those "low hanging dots" remaining to be "connected" in the public eye. If you recall, she was a reporter for CBS who, way back in 2013, convincingly alleged that the Obama Administration had spied on her. Other journalists made similar accusations at approximately the same time -- these were all given dismissive treatment in the media, the Courts and the Legislative Branch. Was this the first exposed use of "The Hammer"? If so, it was far enough ahead -- by three years -- of the Obama Administration's moves against Donald Trump and others; proving the "Spygate" affair appear to be much deeper in scope than the media and the plotters would have you believe. I'd like to see that particular dot connected to this story and woven in -- it will serve to prove a much more nefarious intent of the Administration, worthy of treason charges if true.

I'm a layman, but I think it's going to be much easier to charge and convict on grounds of sedition (18 USC, Chapter 115), conspiracy, insurrection, advocating overthrow and charges lesser than treason. The problem is the word "war" in both the US Constitution (Article III, Section 3) and the United States Code (Title 18, section 2381) -- but not to worry, if the death penalty is not imposed, any conviction of many of the lesser charges means that the convict can no longer hold any government office: period. I'm good with that. There are also a very small handful of traitors whose behavior was so outrageous, manipulative and fraudulent that the charge of treason is deserved. In their cases, "war" is an individually declared state of each of the traitors. I'm not sure how hard that's going to be to prove in court, but it's a questioning angle that -- if the target doesn't line up multiple, strategic, interlocking lies to cover -- would likely add the final straw to the defense's back. I'd like to see the whole big lot of them charged: traitors at the very top, high-level plot 'managers', then the supporting actors, like congresscritters, media personalities/corporations, members of seditious leftist organizations (of whom there are many who've played a role in the recent rape of the American Republic) and even down to the trolls who frustrate everyone. But I won't get that wish, I get it, I'm a grownup. I'll just have to settle for the "big name", "fave" traitors. We all know who they are. May each and every one of them receive public, long, painful sentences.

I can't wait! I hate being lied to in the meantime, so the sooner this action starts, the happier I am. I pray for the end result of a much more secure, grateful America, with a reinforced resolve to honor the US Constitution.


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